We combine auditing with consulting services to find savings from past transactions while also preventing future cost overages.

Our experience combining these two different services allows us to fulfill all of your contract compliance needs. Our woman-owned small business firm is dedicated to serving you.
Get in touch with usIt takes a dedicated resource with unique skill sets to ensure contract compliance. Our auditors have reviewed thousands of contracts and seen billions of dollars in invoices. They have the skills, patience, and experience to review your contracts and associated billings and ensure compliance.
Laser focused on
contract compliance
Fully realize the value of your contracts
One study believes that 30-60% of cost savings negotiated by Supply Chain organizations go unrealized. With all organizations stretched for resources and time, the cost savings will continue to be missed.
Our fully dedicated staff focuses on one thing: realizing the value of your contracts. We bring all parties to the table and ensure the intent and value of the contracts are being captured.
Print out a large EPC contract and all of its amendments and you may have 4-6″ of paperwork on your desk. Print out one invoice with all of the supporting documentation and you might not be able to find your desk. With the thousands of data points in a contract and its corresponding invoices, who has time to review for accuracy? Our dedicated staff can help you go through the many details and ensure compliance by all parties.
Dedicated to verifying and
ensuring all data is accurate
Our people and our clients work together to get results.
Our people come from diverse backgrounds, but are all focused on one thing: bringing clarity to the contracting process. No matter if he/she is an Auditor, Supply Chain practitioner, Consultant, A/P professional, or a Lawyer, we are all dedicated to enhancing your contract compliance.
We are a woman-owned, small business that is small enough to customize our services, but large enough to take care of each client.
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